Thank-you for visiting. Join me on your journey towards
wellness. At Footloose Reflex:Ion Cleansing Therapies we
use gentle tools suited to your individual needs and health.
Reflexology on feet, hands or ears uses techniques
learned over 20 years of continuous
reflexology education and practice.
Reflexology is a mild
detoxification process which involves the application of gentle
acupressure to more than 70 specific reflexes on each foot, hand or ear.
The goal of treatment is to return the body to that perfectly
balanced state known as homeostasis. The
nervous system is returned to "rest and repair mode".
When we are under stress of any kind the body is more
likely to be functioning in "fight or flight mode"
Reflexology is a wholistic
treatment-we do not dignose nor treat specific conditions-we treat the
whole body and improve overall function. During the course of treatment
we often are able to improve a particular problem due to this thorough
approach. Reflexology is an excellent stress modifier and is deeply relaxing.
The Association of Reflexologists in the U.K. have produced the following YouTube clip which you may find instructive:
Association of Reflexologists
What is Reflexology? video. Enjoy everyone and please share.
Ion Cleanse detoxification footbaths
use safe, effective equipment from A Major Difference
(see www.AMajorDifference.com)
Reducing the toxic burden in the body has always been a
cornerstone of superior health. Ion Cleanse is easy on the body,
comfortable and an affordable way to enhance your health.
A series of 10 half-hour footbaths is recommended as your
initial cleanse, after which you are in a position to evaluate
your own progress and determine whether or not you require additional treatment.
Detoxification is a process and several treatments may be required before you notice specific changes.
Ion Cleanse is an outstanding method of relieving lactic acid build up
from athletic training, ideal for recovery after a marathon, and great
for prevention and recovery from minor illness.
Girls Night Out
Organize a fun time with friends...
Women everywhere are the ultimate multi taskers. Add a layer of wellness
to your life, you CAN FEEL BETTER every day with easy ear reflexology!
It takes just 15 minutes to start your day with this fast routine that affects your whole body-easily done before you step out of bed-it will RADICALLY change your day!
Come and hang out with new and old friends, learn a new skill
and enjoy an evening of fun-all for the price of one reflexology session.
Course Includes: a detailed set of notes with diagrams, the experience of receiving and practicing a treatment, a follow up treatment at another date to ask questions and cement your technique
Click the self help tab for full details.
See you there!
Where is Footloose?

Find our beautiful bright
clinic close to Gordon Street and Arkell Road intersection.
76 Revell Drive, lower, left,
Guelph, ON N1G 1B0
519 803 4383
Donna Smith Holst, RRPr*
*Registered Reflexology Practitioner